Managing inputs - Part 2: Using and comparing cases Assumptions will change quickly. Sometimes chaotically. It will be up to you to keep track.
Managing inputs - Part 1: Cases, scenarios & sensitivities. Most of the models we build have a similar input sheet structure. This structure has stood the test of time across thousands of model builds.
Stay Positive: Sign convention in modelling There are two approaches to sign convention in models. Both are acceptable. One is better.
How to model balances All balances share the same structure. We, therefore, model them in a standard way.
Dealing with time: An introduction to flags To model anything, we have to answer two central questions: "How much?" and "When?"
What makes a poor row label Clear labelling equals clear thinking. Clear thinking equals clear labelling.
Using the pyramid structure in calculation blocks Listing the constants in your calculation block first is cleaner and easier to read.